As of 09/17/2024
  Indus: 41,606 -15.90 0.0%  
  Trans: 16,014 +171.47 +1.1%  
  Utils: 1,059 -1.68 -0.2%  
  Nasdaq: 17,628 +35.93 +0.2%  
  S&P 500: 5,635 +1.49 +0.0%  
  Targets    Overview: 09/13/2024  
  Up arrow42,000 or 40,100 by 10/01/2024
  Up arrow16,200 or 15,300 by 10/01/2024
  Up arrow1,100 or 1,000 by 10/01/2024
  Up arrow18,400 or 16,650 by 10/01/2024
  Up arrow5,750 or 5,400 by 10/01/2024
As of 09/17/2024
  Indus: 41,606 -15.90 0.0%  
  Trans: 16,014 +171.47 +1.1%  
  Utils: 1,059 -1.68 -0.2%  
  Nasdaq: 17,628 +35.93 +0.2%  
  S&P 500: 5,635 +1.49 +0.0%  
  Targets    Overview: 09/13/2024  
  Up arrow42,000 or 40,100 by 10/01/2024
  Up arrow16,200 or 15,300 by 10/01/2024
  Up arrow1,100 or 1,000 by 10/01/2024
  Up arrow18,400 or 16,650 by 10/01/2024
  Up arrow5,750 or 5,400 by 10/01/2024

Bulkowski on Scoring Descending Triangles

My book, Trading Classic Chart PatternsTrading Classic Chart Patterns book., pictured on the right, has additional details on this scoring system.

If you click on the above link and then buy the book (or anything) while at, the referral will help support this site. Thanks.

-- Tom Bulkowski

$ $ $

This page scores descending triangle chart patterns. Patterns with scores above 0 show gains averaging 53% (upward breakouts) or declines averages 22% (downward breakouts). Scores below 0 show gains of 27% and declines of 12%. High scores do not guarantee good performance, nor does a low score mean you found a stinker.


Scoring Descending Triangles

Please provide the following information:

What is the highest price in the chart pattern?

What is the lowest price in the chart pattern?

What is the highest price for the stock over the last 52 weeks?

What is the lowest price for the stock over the last 52 weeks?

How many shares of stock are outstanding?

What is the (anticipated) breakout price (downward breakouts use bottom trendline price, upward breakouts use trendline pierce price)?

What direction is the breakout?
Up Down

Trend start: How long is the price trend leading to the start of the chart pattern?
0-3 months 3-6 months Over 6 months

Horizontal consolidation region: Is overhead resistance (upward breakouts) or underlying support (downward breakouts) in the way of price movement?
Yes No

Volume trend: Is volume trending up or down in the chart pattern?
Up Down

Breakout volume: Skip if breakout is upward. Is breakout volume above the 30-day average? If no breakout yet, answer No.
Yes No

Throwbacks/Pullbacks: Do you think a throwback (upward breakouts) or pullback (downward breakout) will occur (usually answer Yes)?
Yes No

Gaps: Skip if breakout is downward. Did a gap occur on the breakout (if no breakout yet, answer No)?
Yes No

Market trend: Skip if breakout is upward. Is the general market trending up or down?
Up Down

-- Thomas Bulkowski

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This loads yahoo!finance then use the Key Statistics link to find the 52-week high, low, and shares outstanding.

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All hiking trails have more uphill sections than downhill ones.Smiley